Kristin White, MBA

Day School and College Advising

Kristin has been an independent educational consultant for 14 years, and enjoys working through the admissions process with students while helping them to explore a variety of school and college options. Prior to working as an educational consultant, Kristin was the director of the Sursum Corda Scholarship Fund, an educational program for youth in Washington, D.C.

She is a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), and the New England Association of College Admissions Counselors. Kristin visits many colleges and day schools each year and regularly attends professional development meetings and conferences. She is a frequent presenter at libraries, PTA meetings, and educational conferences.

Kristin is the author of “It’s the Student, Not the College: The Secrets of Succeeding at Any School Without Going Broke or Crazy” published by The Experiment in 2015, and “The Complete Guide to the Gap Year,” published by Jossey Bass in 2009. She is a graduate of Georgetown University and has an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin.