Paige Cox, M.Ed.

College Advising

Paige believes the college application process can be a positive learning experience. Her goal is to empower students to see the strengths in themselves and their own stories. She works to make the college application process as low-stress as possible, and help students and families choose their best fit colleges. This approach has allowed Paige a tremendous success rate. 

Each student she works with is offered a robust college list with a range of schools that meet their academic and career goals in a college community where they can thrive. As a trained college consultant, she combines her knowledge of the competitive college landscape, her writing coach skills, and her love of teenagers to provide client families with a successful college application process. 

After graduating from Brown University with a degree in Literature, she later earned a Master’s of Education from George Washington University. She taught writing in the AP English classroom for 15 years before becoming a college advisor. As both a teacher and a consultant she has years of experience guiding students through the college application process. 

Paige is a positive and encouraging voice to help students navigate college applications to the most selective school, as well as the perfect fit schools that a student or family may not have considered. She works with families to articulate the type of learning environment that will work best for their child. Paige enjoys working with so many different students and is always impressed by their many talents and passions.

Professional Affiliations include:

  • Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA)

What families say about working with Paige: