Getting the Best Guidance about Therapeutic Programs


By Jeremy McGeorge

This week the New York Times published a disturbing opinion piece about mistreatment of teens in some treatment facilities. When you are a parent like those we work with at The Bertram Group — one who is dedicated to finding the very best care for a child who is struggling — reading something like that can be terrifying.

Choosing the correct therapeutic program for your child is a critical decision, one which requires an experienced, knowledgeable and compassionate professional to help you make the best choice. As someone who has worked in this field for decades, I want to reassure parents that the vast majority of private sector care is safe and very good. However, this is a complex landscape. That is why my colleagues and I are dedicated to maintaining an expertise on the programs to which we refer our families. We regularly visit facilities and programs, talk with staff, and meet with our students. At TBG, we have a deep understanding of the nuances of the programs and professionals with whom we work. We have known the administrators of some programs for nearly 25 years and we know the life-changing work they do. At TBG we only refer to places we would feel comfortable sending our own children.

I invite you to reach out to me if you have any concerns or questions. My colleagues and I are here to be your trusted advisors, to demystify this process, and to ensure your children’s safety as they make their way to the best future possible.


Announcement from The Bertram Group


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